Jacob is a designer and self-described transportation geek. Experienced in both print and interactive design, he is a prudent decision-maker who is able to turn complex ideas into concise and stunning deliverables. Jacob spent the first ten years of his career working as an in-house web designer and design manager at Illinois State University, where he collaborated with a cross-disciplinary team to redesign hundreds of websites–from grant-funded research projects to the flagship university homepage. In addition, he oversaw the creative and strategic development of the University’s visual web standards, implemented a tailored co-branding concept for academic departments, and played vital roles in hiring and training new creative staff.
In 2012, Jacob co-founded a bike advocacy organization for the twin cities of Bloomington-Normal, IL. During this time he served terms as secretary and vice-president, as well as the organization’s creative director. In addition to establishing the visual brand, Jacob lead efforts organizing significant fundraising and community events (such as Tour de Taco and Bike Movie Nights), supporting the organizations’ operational goals through merchandise and memberships, and facilitating a grassroots safety awareness campaign co-funded by both city governments.
Seeing first-hand the value of collaborative design in the public realm, Jacob went back to school to earn his M.F.A. in Design at the University of Texas at Austin. There he developed ChalkTalk, a participatory design framework for designing sustainable transportation infrastructure. While in school, Jacob also worked as design consultant for the National Center for Mobility Management, facilitating design thinking sessions and providing design support for MHMR of Tarrant County Texas.
Jacob worked as a transportation planner and designer at Nelson\Nygaard Consulting Associates, working with cross-disciplinary teams on project across the United States. Projects include city-wide parking mitigation strategies, regional paratransit governance, and complete streets planning. Clients ranged from small municipal governments to large philanthropic organization like the American Cities Climate Challenge. Jacob is currently a faculty member at the University of Baltimore, teaching branding, interaction and motion design.